RFmondial supports successful DRM field test of US Coast Guard in Alaska
RFmondial supported the US Coast Guard in conducting a year-long field test of the DRM system in Alaska to investigate how a single transmitter can provide coverage for the arctic. The field test demonstrated that DRM is capable of transmitting maritime and navigation safety information over a wide geographical area. Underway vessels were able to receive detailed images such as wave, surface and wind forecasts as well as ice maps. Text based messages and latest news were received as well as various Alaskan meteorological data and virtual aids to navigation.
The field test setup contained amongst others the RFmondial DRM ContentServer which fetches and formats the data, and two RFmondial professional measurement receivers RF-SE19.
The detailed final report of the US Coast Guard finds DRM to be a good technology for a cost effective method to disseminate marine and navigation safety information and stated that DRM might be the path forward!