Research and Funded Projects
Media and Event production via Resilient Communication on IoT Infrastructure
The MERCI project develops solutions for private 5G networks based on ETSI DECT-2020 NR, a new standard approved by ITU-R as an IMT-2020 technology and marketed by DECT Forum as DECT NR+. In cooperation with companies from the German and French event and media industry, RFmondial develops both hardware and software solutions based on System-in-Package solutions of the NRF91 series manufactured by Nordic Semiconductor. RFmondial designs PCBs customized for specific applications as well as dedicated firmware to build wireless networks according to the DECT-2020 NR standard. Our focus in MERCI are applications for event and media production, which require parallel transmission of multiple audio and video signals with DECT-2020 NR meeting tight latency and reliability requirements.

Ultra Scalable Wireless Access
The USWA project investigates approaches to combine low latency, high reliability and dynamically meshed network topologies for wireless technologies in 6G. For this purpose, different wireless technologies are studied with respect to media access, applicable protocols and advanced signal processing. RFmondial focuses on the investigation of DECT-2020 NR, which is currently used for 5G, yet also offers potential for applications in 6G with its increased performance requirements. As a platform, both the System-in-Package solutions from Nordic Semiconductor's NRF91 series, as well as a Software-Defined-Radio implementation developed in cooperation with the project partner Leibniz Universität Hannover are used. For latency and reliability optimization, RFmondial evaluates advanced aspects of the DECT-2020 NR standard such as short symbol lengths, complex MIMO modes and their interaction with mesh functionality on the Data Link and Network Layer.
DAB+ SSR correction module
Development of a DAB-receiver module for GNSS correction
The goal of the project is to develop a DAB-to-GNSS receiving module that - connected to typical geodetic GNSS receivers - enables the reception and processing of GNSS correction data via DAB technology. The use of this technology is examined qualitatively and quantitatively in real field applications. The focus here is on a direct comparison with correction data transfer via mobile communications, which is currently considered the standard in this area. In addition to the technical planning and implementation of the receiving module, the project includes the detailed evaluation and validation of the module to be developed in various static and especially kinematic GNSS applications.
The project is carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Geodesy (IfE) of the Leibniz University of Hannover. RFmondial tasks include the development of the receiving module including system design with selection of a suitable chip, circuit board design and subsequent verification of the manufactured prototypes. Furthermore, RFmondial supports IfE in setting up and implementing the concept for evaluating and validating the module as well as during practical measurements and subsequent evaluation. On the side of the IfE, the practical evaluation and validation of the receiving module and the correction data stream is divided into two parts. First, the data stream itself is examined, particularly with regard to completeness, latency and integrity. In the second part, the developed module is extensively tested in practical use, with the main focus being on the direct comparison of GNSS receivers that get the GNSS correction data via mobile communications and those that receive them using the developed DAB module.

Previous research projects
Due to our commitment to innovative technology we are pursuing various engagements in research, development and standardization:
- Rebroadcasting DAB+ in case of failure of distribution link (N-Bank)
- LADB: Linearization of Combined Analog and Digital Broadcasting Signal (BMWi)
- AI4Mobile: Data architecture, reduction algorithms and visualization for KI applications (BMBF)
- DRM+ diversity receiver together with the University of Hannover (BMWi)
- DRM+ field trial with transmit delay diversity and single frequency networks (SFN) - Project together with private regional radio broadcasters (Antenne Niedersachsen, radio ffn) and Bosch
- Evaluation of DRM+ technology in VHF Band III (174-230MHz)
- C-PMSE - The Cognitive Program Making Special Event (C-PMSE) project works towards the future and cooperative usage of the UHF spectrum. The project is organized in a consortium of research and industry and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).
- Cross-compliance of DRM+ transmitter and receiver hardware
- As a contributing Member of the DRM Consortium we are active with the following positions: Executive Board Member, Steering Board Member, System Evaluation Lead DRM+