DRM-Highlights of the International BES conference and Exhibition in New Delhi
BES India showcases DRM expansion plans.
At Delhi`s Broadcast Engineering Show (BES) in February 2020 there was a big contingent of companies showing DRM transmission and receiver technology. Also Dr. Jens Schroeder, CEO of RFmondial GmbH, presented successfully its professional products and services for the digital broadcasting industry, and gave a lecture concerning the DRM transmitter infrastructure.
The DRM Consortium exhibition stand was demonstrating convincingly AIR (All India Radio) broadcasts in pure DRM on the variety of receivers on display. They ranged from very low-cost type receivers to full-feature DRM sets complemented by automotive solutions.
One interesting development from DRM was the idea of a digital community notice board placed in a central location in a village which can play the radio to embedded speakers, display news, advertisement and short messages to a screen, and broadcast emergency warnings when required. For the public display signage demontration click here.
Another innovation was the online monitoring of the live DRM content of selected transmitters from all over India allowing both technical and editorial staff to monitor DRM in real time.
So on the last day of the conference, DRM-Chair Ruxandra Obreja summarized this successful event: "DRM is already in India in AM and the extension to FM, thus using the full, open DRM standard would create the largest digital market in the world."